Sunday, July 1, 2007

Short on Obsessions

Obsessions get sort of a bad rap. Personally, I'm always envious of someone who is obsessed with something because it shows that they care about something with a great deal of passion. Trust me, as someone who cannot remember what it's like to get really, really excited about anything, I think obsessions are altogether healthy and valuable.

I have decided just today to become obsessed with Zach Braff. He's earned it. If you don't believe me, just take it from this guy:

Also, for those of you who need a crib sheet for my last post - don't be shy, that's a lot of damn books - go here:

Off to become Zach Braff's number one friend on Myspace.


Susie said...

Passion goes both ways. Just remember to use your power for good, not evil. 'nuf said:)

Anonymous said...

I close friend of mine knew Zach Braff in college. :)

Foxygen said...

I don't care for that Zach Braff. Garden State blew and Scrubs isn't funny anymore.

Molly said...

I think your friend should introduce me to him. What was he like? Was he awesome, does your friend say? Did he wear big earphones?

Anonymous said...

He was sort of nerdy, of course. :) But nice.

Anonymous said...

I like Zach, too, and I loved Garden State. But more to the point, thanks for the link to best first lines. It's a current obsession of mine. I'm reading Hooked, all about story structure and, specifically, beginnings.